Thursday, September 12, 2013

No more Star Wars post titles.

So here's a little update for the zero readers I have:

I have signed up for the Alcatraz Shark Swim on June 7th, 2014. The went is (as you can probably guess from the name) held in San Francisco, and participants swim from Alcatraz to the shore. It is 1.5 miles, has to be done in less than 75 minutes, and the water is usually about 55 degrees. 

Wanna look at their website? No? Well, me either. Here is the link anyway.

So I think I'll be posting my training for this 
swim on this blog. I'll be posting lots of crap,
because I feel like it. 

Yesterday was my first 1.5 mile swim, 
in a pool, and it took 60:42. I'll keep up my swimming training 
To make sure I can attack the Alcatraz swim head on. 

I also was so hungry after the swim I stopped 
at Taco Bell. Although it tasted good, 
in a way that only a fellow Taco Bell lover can 
understand, I shouldn't have stopped there.
It has to do with that whole eating paleo thing,
and not putting so much garbage in my 
system. No big whoop. I'm back on the 

That's it for now. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

I want one of those things that Lando's assistant wore on his head.

How about some pictures of the Solomon Islands!?!?!?


This is how we got off the ship. Believe me... It's super safe! I don't mean that. It's not safe at all 

Taking a small boat away from the ship. It was pretty awesome. 


Don't mess with me! 

The port. 

This thing is 6' tall. Pretty awesome.

Getting giant pallets of the boat with a small crane attached to a truck. Safety first! 

Our "workspace." Essentially a pavilion at the soccer stadium.

This is where we slept. This is after we cleaned it up. It was a brand new house, in the process of being built. But then a government worker embezzled money to buy cars or something. So then they couldn't finish this house. So we slept in it. 

That's the main art piece in the house.

This is the window that doubles as the door. Seriously. 

More art!

The shower.

The shitter. But it was a "yellow mellow - brown down" type of thing. 

The best MRE! 


This soda is like crack! So good. 

Terrible tasting booze! 

The bar with my boy. 

 Sure I won't die from these. 

The market place. It smelled awful. 

That's the fire truck. The one fire truck. 

The gate where I spent a lot of my time.

My favorite day of the Solomons.


A few more pictures of life on the ship:

Such a zest for life. We were so bored.

This is where three grown men sleep. The bar at the top of the picture, that runs on the outside of the top bunk, with the red curtains on it? That's how I got in and out of Ed. Like a pull-up/shimmy thing. It's only about 6'5" total.

A bunch of dudes all brush/wash/shave here.

This is the shower. Probably about 3x3. Seriously small.

There you have it, kids.  

He died about the same time as your father

Here is a story. A story of pictures. Of Kiribati.

This is one of the Japanese naval guns that they used against us as we began kicking their asses! 

Kiribati police officer at the health fair. 

These people have nothing to do but wait in line for free stuff.

Yeah, it was hot as balls.

This is actually happening. That is a Kiwi nurse helping a Kiribati pregnant little person. 

The health fair.

Oddly enough- this is not the doggie death tarp.

By far my favorite day in Kiribati.

Rough day. Behind me, that's a hit for rent. It's also considered the honeymoon suite. Yikes.

We went out and about in the city, deworming pigs. I wrangled a few, and injected one. A real treat. 

Who you gon' call? 

We dubbed this "the skank tank," not because of the amount of morally bankrupt women, but because it was sketchy as hell.

Skank tank bathroom. Looks the fanciest bathroom in Detroit. 

The inside of the skank tank.

Fancy bathroom art.

That's real. Paying for tp.

A Kentucky favorite! 

Anyone want some carry-out? 

That's the main government building. Fancy. 

Well... That's about it, kids. I have more, but I can't post them on a blog. So sorry.