Friday, June 28, 2013

That's no moon. It's a space station.

My time here in Tonga is winding down. We are leaving today. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. Four months ago I had never even heard of this place. Pretty glad I came here. This is paradise! 

I want to come back here someday. But I think plane tickets are pretty damn expensive! 

 I have eaten great food, swam in great beaches, snorkeled in the beautiful ocean, and met cool people. But it's about time to head on out of here.

In other snooze...

So I was planning on sitting around all day and all night yesterday. On the beach. Rough. But they didn't serve dinner, because they had a cultural show thing. I didn't want to drop $40 on the show/food. So we went to the downtown area. There was a damn block party. It was pretty wild. Want to see pictures? You have no choice. 

I'm eating street meat! Horrible idea! 

Blurry. There were a lot of folks.

Parade of some sort.

I ate a Panini. It had bacon and cheese. Your argument is invalid. I said bacon and cheese.

Some type of people. Hell, I don't know what was happening. 

There were some Japanese folks hitting sticks against each other. I have no idea what was going on. 

Bar bathroom doors. Take note, America!

We moved out of the soccer complex yesterday. We stayed in a resort last night. They were little "bungalows" near the water. Rough life...

The view from my room yesterday. 

Nice room! 

Fancy shitter! 

Beachside near dusk

Explosions in the sky

My workout yesterday. It was hard! 

Still listening to the same bands, add in little people and eagles. 


Thursday, June 27, 2013

We could almost buy our own ship for that!

Hey- I just met you and this crazy.... But here's my number... So call maybe. 

Today, I did a sweet workout where I did a complex of CF movements: clean and squat, push press, shoulder press, snatch, and clean and split jerk. I PR'd my front squat by 10#. Shut up. 

I also just ate pizza. F you! 

I've been jamming coheed and Cambria and jimmy eat world. I love those bands. A lot of live albums lately. City and colour, too. Some Darius Rucker. Drive by truckers. Lots of Damien Jurado.

Also- these whores in the room next to me have the loudest door ever!!!!!

I wrote all the above last night. I was really... Tired. 

How about different font?! Sure!!! Stupid copying and pasting.

Here's a good photo for my boy-

Today, we went back to the blowholes. The tide was up. It was freaking awesome. Check it.

Sunset tonight. Pretty rad! 

Time for some random photos...

Reppin CFS in Tonga!

It's a cow tied to a boat. On a wharf. 


Check out their wares!!!

Spider mania!!!!


My new restoration project...

That is exactly what it looks like.

The last three were from a buffet/cultural show they put on in a cave. Pretty cool. I mean, I didn't pay and stay for the stuff. I just took a free look around. Suckers! 

Um... What!? 

Okay. This is the point where I show pictures from this amazing beach by our soccer school/sleeping arrangements. When the tide is out, you can walk through much of the ocean bottom. There is minimal water on the ocean bottom during the low tide, and it is beautiful. Ready? Let's kick it!

It was so sick at this section of the beach. I loved it.

He's more a machine than a man

At the request of my good friend Jon, I am writing a non-vacation related blog. He wants to know what I think about the current Edward Snowden situation. But before I get started, please understand that I am not looking for debate. I don't want to argue with you. I am doing this as a request. So... let's talk.

Snowden is essentially accused of espionage. So from what I have read, it sounds like he did exactly that. However, is this one of those times when the end justifies the means? I mean, this goes back to the security/privacy issue. Now of course the NSA says that everything they were doing was legit. Do you believe that? I don't. 

Now the fact that Snowden stole files, told the media, and then popped smoke out of the country probably shows that there are no questions about the validity of the charges. But should he be prosecuted? He told the NSA was spying on people in America. Is this news? Didn't we all know that? 

Snowden showed just how much the NSA does intrude into our lives. He did the right thing by showing the public illegal government activities. He did not go about it the right way. Should he have skipped the country? I don't know. Maybe so. Maybe not. It is pretty clear that the Obama Administration wants to crucify him. However, I am not surprised because the Obama Administration hates when anyone speak against them. 

I am all about privacy from the government, but there has to be a give and take. The lines are so blurry for me on this, because privacy and security are important to me. There cannot just be completely free communication, due to security concerns. But don't people know every day they use technology someone could see what they're  throwing out there. It is the same idea as flying on a commercial airline. When I choose to fly, I know that I will be searched, scanned, and checked by the TSA. I am willing to deal with that for the convenience and speed of an airplane. People that get butthurt over being searched at the airport. They knew when they checked in at the counter they'd be going through security. I think these two are the same. 

So the big question from Jon is- is he a hero or a villain? I say he is just a guy who saw the U.S. government doing something illegal, and he spoke out against it. Does that make him a traitor? See I don't know about that... Because think about George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, etc... Who were all called traitors by the English government. Well, that turned out pretty well for all of us, huh?

Snowden committed espionage, technically. But if he is extradited to the U.S. and prosecuted, when the hell are Obama and Holden going to be prosecuted? They are some of the biggest criminals in the U.S. right now.

In case you cant tell, I do not trust or like the Obama Administration. I mean, this is the same government who means to turn the U.S. into a gun free country. The same government who means to turn the U.S. into a socialist nation. If you don't agree, you are likely a liberal democrat. Even more likely a liberal democrat who doesn't think independently, but has undergone a lobotomy. Maybe not. But probably so. With that said, I do respect the views and opinions of others... Unless they aid in ruining my America. 

So, my vote for Snowden based on the known info so far: 

Guilty, but should not be prosecuted, therefore not a hero not a villain.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

It's a trap!

Forgive me friends, its been ten days since my last posting.


So our time in Tonga was coming to an end when the Navy, in their infinite wisdom, decided that they wanted two MPs to stay back. Stay back why, you are dying to know!? So that the group flying home from Tonga felt safe. Well... This turned out to be the best thing ever. It's another week in Tonga, being paid to vacation. I'm a pretty lucky guy, I'd say. Although Ben Kenobi doesn't believe in luck. 

So I'm still in Tonga. It is so beautiful. I can't get over it. 

Want a story or two? Sure! 

Last weekend I had to go back to the Naval ship on a water taxi. How does one board the ship from a taxi? Well, allow me to enlighten you. The taxi pulls up along the side of the ship. Then there is a stairwell attached to the ship. Then you basically wait until the water taxi and ship's platform are somewhat lined up, and you gracefully glide from one to the other. Or you fall and die. Those are the only two real options. It was insane. 

I'll try a video here, but I don't know if it'll work. It won't. I'll post a YouTube link someday. Or I'll forget. Whatever. 

I've been working out everyday to every other day. I did Fran RX two days ago. It was awful. Took me 13 minutes! I followed her up by some TTB and SDHPs. The day before I did bench press and back squats. I still can't squat much. First world problems. I've been running some sprints, too. I have to step up my workouts, because the HOA5 is coming in October. 

Also- in other news, my guy Scotty Turbo and I have committed to swim the Alcatraz Shark Race in 2014. Look for more info to come. I'll kick a shark. Or get eaten. Whatever! 

There has been a lot of different food being eaten. Last night I ate off the plates of a few guys at a Korean place. Very authentic. I am paying for it today. Yuck. 

There was the stuff. Not worth the bathroom issues currently being suffered.

Here's the weird thing about the Korean House- they brought out a box of tissues and sat them on our table. What!? 

More food pics? Why not!?

This is traditional Austrian goulash. It was freaking de-lic-ious!

Fish curry. Good!

Those are not eggs. They are a traditional  Austrian breakfast food, similar to pancakes. But you eat them with jam. Totally paleo, yeah? 

Fresh mahi mahi, caught only 20km from where I sat. Coconut lime sauce. Purple sweet potatoes. 

Freaking ice cream! So good.

I didn't eat these, but they're funny. 

Now- to move on to other pressing issues- pictures of paradise. 

We took a water taxi to this little island, and went snorkeling. Oh my god, was it amazing.

Sunken ship. The SS Tetanus, as Jen C. called it. It was fine. The rusty parts come off in your hand. But totally safe! 

Mike's damn head is in the way.

Big Mama's


Beautiful water.

I tagged the sign at Big Mama's.

Flags hanging. Notice the American and Stars and Bars flags.

This is a cave that has natural spring water inside, and you pay about $6 American to go inside. Once inside, you go swimming in fresh water. It is clear, all the way to the bottom, which I estimate to be 30-40 feet. It was the coolest thing, especially when the generator died and we had to walk back with the iPhone light. It was interesting.

Came here for a drink. I guess there are no child labor laws here.

The humanitarian folks were handing out ET toothbrushes... That were made in 1984. Probably still good, yeah? 

And then we went to this resort... Dangy, it sure is nice.

Loving life! 

Just beautiful.

The palace. Where the king lives. Obviously.

Inside an old church.

Reppin' the CFS at the Fisherman's Club on the wharf. 

Story time. The picture above shows all the rocks and coral at the break, and giant waves crashing into them. What's the logical move here? Exactly! Go sit on the rocks, and feel the waves. I did. 

And these waves.

And these waves.

The result:

I'm stupid.

Here are a few shots of the blowholes. It is amazing to see.

I didn't get in this time.

And last but not least- I toured the Tongan prison. I showed my ID, talked to the commissioner, and they took me inside the walls. Very interesting experience. It's no American prison. 

Here's the Tongan CO and me. 

Take care, kiddies!!!