Wednesday, June 12, 2013

These aren't the palm trees you're looking for...

This will be a mostly picture book style post, which will work for my friends who are mostly illiterate. 

I'm in tonga now. It's beautiful. We are staying on a military post. The barracks are not very luxurious, but neither is the back of a truck. I'm happy to have a roof over my head, with a hot breakfast in the morning. 

The military post is very small. Their airport is very small. But they're a tropical island, so what do they care? 

Okay, the rest of the fun words will come later. Here's some pictures:

My gym today. There was a military tough case in the mix, for a weight. I did 

10 pull-ups
15 box jumps
10 SDHP with the tough box
5 push presses with the tough box (the weight was not hard, but it was bulky. The challenge was not to kill myself).

4 rounds

This is what was overhead during my wod. No big whoop.

Where we are staying this week.

A hearty breakfast- eggs, salami, cheese, watermelon, and pineapple. Throw in a cup of black coffee and some water, we are all good.

My room. Actually, this was the room I was in before an officer kicked me out. The navy is full of real shitheads.

Vegas playgentle- VERY posh in tonga. Haha.

There's the ocean! 

Look! I tried to lift the seat with my foot, and the whole thing fell off. Plus the bathroom looks like the one that Lloyd was almost got man handled in during "Dumb and Dumber." Also- it looks like the bathroom from Camp Crystal Lake with Jason Vorhees. Yikes! 

I'm driving on the left side of the road. It was challenging...

Some awesome little island near the main island of Tonga. 

The little boat that brought us ashore. The pier has a sunken ship in it, and the Navy doesn't want to sink theirs on the sunken ship. It's the first intelligent thing they've done. 

We are eating MREs. They're not bad tasting, but the damn stuff has so much crap in it. Frankenfood, I'd say. 

Looks like a sea ready ship! 

The Australians, New Zealanders, and Canadians celebrating the Queen's birthday. I joined in. I'll celebrate the queen before I celebrate that idiot living in the White House. Truth! 

The navy's version of a BLT. I was going to beat the B, but it looked like the salted meats that the merchant ships used to take on board when they would e at sea for months... In the 1600's! Yuck.

My Samoan buddy, MJ. I'm sober here. Notice the gang sign he is throwing up.

In a Samoan bar's bathroom. 

My dinner the last night in Samoa. 

Get a clue, American pitcher makers (china)!

We saw these at a hotel we pissed in. My hand is there for size comparison purposes. That's a LOT of booze.

Another typical Navy meal...

My view from where I write this. 

That's all for now. Take care, friends! 

***currently, I'm reading "this side of paradise" by Fitzgerald. I'm listening to a lot of the same stuff as the other posts, plus some Brand New, Luke Bryant, and some of that Unwed Sailor. That is the good stuff.

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