Sunday, June 2, 2013

The cantina on Mos Eisley

I just heard a great Navy term- phantom shitter. This is when a sailor goes around in the middle of the night around random areas of the ship and take a shit. I laughed really hard about that word. It was incredible. The brown bomber- pacific edition? 


I went to bed last night and it was Wednesday. I woke up and it was Friday. I wasn't passed out for 30 hours, we passed over the international time line or something. We literally skipped a day. We will make it up when we come back through, on our way back to Hawaii. 

The way that this shit is ran is beyond the realm if comprehension. These navy people are so unorganized, it boggles the mind. 

However, we were told that there are places that are off limits in Somoa, and tattoo shops are on that list. Oh well. I'd probably get some sort of hepatitis anyhow.

They also said prostitution is off limits. I guess a lot of sailors will be sad to hear. I was also hoping that one sailor would find a girl and find out she was a he. Ha ha. 

In other news, the boat has been rocking hard since about noon today. The weather is a mess, and it is wild. Stuff was flying allover the place inside different rooms. I felt a bit queasy at the start of the heavy rocking, but I'm okay now. I started taking my meds again, for the duration of the storm. 

Two of my troops had to go medical and get meds. They were not doing well. They had to get injections of motion sickness and nausea medication. They took it to yak city! 

To make matters worse, they shut off all potable water. When the water levels get too low, they shut it off until they make more. "Make more water? Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" Yes, the ship makes all of its water from sea water. There is a process of removing the salt. Then the water is processed to clean it and make it safe for drinking. But when the available water level gets low, the Captain shuts off the water until the levels are back to where they need to be. I know. It's some real sci-fi shit, huh? 

So, since we couldn't go to the gym today (it's unsafe for gym use due to weather conditions), I came back to the house and watched "Star Wars: A New Hope" and did a push-up/air squat/leg raise pyramid set. Started at 10 and went to 1, then went back to 10. Not too bad of a little workout. It was fun when is be doing my push-ups and the boat was moving up through the waves. It was like I was weightless, and gravity was sending me up in the air. Very fun. 

Now I've taken my pills, and am about to read. I forgot to say yesterday ended up being my cheat day, because we had an "ice cream social" last night. Whatever. I ate a snickers and an ice cream. Suck it. But I noticed right after I had them, and all day today, I've wanted more bad food! It's a slippery slope! Tonight I did eat some rice with my fish and salad to get something starchy in the gut in case the waves make me sick-o later.

Still jamming the same music, but I added some Hey Mercedes to the mix. 

This is the end of the first day of the future... You know, since I skipped Thursday. Great Scott,  I'm a time traveler! 

*****so, this is Sunday. 

We are in Samoa. Wow. This place is unbelievably beautiful. I'm not kidding. This place is rolling green hills, and nothing but palm trees everywhere. It's amazing! 

Today many of my new navy friends leave for a week to go do something or other.

After the resort and the sun, we went to a pizza joint. It was goooooood. And Samoan beer is nasty! But we drank our fill, and are essentially on vacation.

No workout on Sunday, but did static weights on Saturday. 

If tomorrow goes as planned, I will be on duty. I will have amazing stories. 

Springfield, MO baby! 

Obviously not Springfield, MO. This is part of the port in Somoa. Lots of palm trees! 

Freaking green.

Welcome to the jungle, baby...

Samoan beer.

The beach we hit yesterday. 

Authentic food. It was gross.

Samoan pizza. It was good! 

Stray dog that loved our pizza.

My Navy friend Kevin. He likes to do creeper faces, too. Must be love.

That's all for now.

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