Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The feeling after your half robot dad cuts off your arm...

So yesterday I was preparing for my Army mission, in the only way that makes sense: by mountains of paperwork. 

I was on the phone with TriCare for 67 minutes. For those of you who are not familiar with TriCare, that is the government healthcare system. It is miles of government red tape, followed by mountains of BS. That's a pretty disgusting image, isn't it? Just a big pile of fecal matter. 

So, the best way that I can explain dealing with TriCare is painting this gem of a picture: imagine going to your local DMV needing to get your tags renewed. The first DMV agent tells you what to do, gives you forms to fill out, and tells you what to do with them. After you fill the papers out, you go to the second agent to turn them in. #2 tells you that you never needed those forms in the first place, and that you have to come back Thursday, because that's tag renewal day. When you come back Thursday, the third person you talk to tells you that they can't help you at that branch, and you have to go to the other location. But he doesn't know the address of the other location, and asks a co-worker for help. Then that person tells you that there is no other location. 

If you're still with me, and have not slit your own throat yet, that is how it is. It would be more effective to use a fancy printer and make my own damn tags. 

Anytime you tell a TriCare representative, "The last person I talked to said blah blah blah," they will act like you're speaking French. They also always act like their co-workers are all bumbling idiots. I agree. 

In other news- we did the "Dane's Last CONUS (continental United States) Workout" yesterday. It was pretty fun. 

Yeah. I hate wallballs.

Sweaty senioritas! Yeah, I worked out with four hotties. Notice the cool kid in the back. He's boss. I'll miss my gym/gym people.

Yeah, that's my luggage, for the whole summer. Less than a woman would take for 12 days. Am I right? Eh? Fellas? Nobody? Shut up. 

Okay. More excitement to come! I promise. 

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